The Cine-Technician

CineTechThe Journal of the Association of Cine Technicians began in May 1935 as the official publication of the first British film technician trade union. Later, the journal was renamed the Film & Television Technician, then Stage Screen & Radio, which is the name it continues to publish under six times a year. Today, the Association of Cine Technicians still exists as part of the Broadcasting Entertainment Cinematograph and Theatre Union (BECTU).

The Cine-Technician    1 – 2    Association of Cine-Technicians    1935-1937
The Cine-Technician    3    Association of Cine-Technicians    1938
The Cine-Technician    4    Association of Cine-Technicians    1938 – 1939
The Cine-Technician    9 – 11    Association of Cine-Technicians    1943 – 45

The Cine Technician (1953 – 1956)        Association of Cine-Technicians    1953 – 1956

Film and TV Technician    23    Association of Cinematograph, Television and Allied Technicians    1957